an exciting escapade emerges


image of moody purple study a scene from the novel

The Dusklight District, located on the Timeless Hideaway’s upper western side, combines retro wave charm and cutting-edge tech from assorted timelines, resulting in a fascinating blend of innovation and nostalgia.
Nestled snugly within this technological grotto lies the Starbolt Study, Corstrom’s cherished retreat. Glowing with a highly radiant and advanced liquid solar lighting, displays showcasing exotic data, this charged workspace pulses with invention and curiosity. Equipped with pioneering devices and controls, the Starbolt Study embodies Corstrom’s steadfast devotion to demystifying life’s convoluted tapestry. Corstrom is truly committed to decoding the intricate web of time.

Chronicle Codex Omnis

Eras Edge.

The world held its breath when the Kairos Gene emerged. This rare mutation granted the ability to “time-tear,” a power as thrilling as it was deadly. Countless vanished in accidents, the truth hidden behind the chilling label of “missing persons.” Children, especially vulnerable, fueled rumors of dark conspiracies – abduction rings and elite cannibals.

The younger you were when the gene triggered, the higher the risk. This terrifying process, known as Chrysalis, pushed your developing body to its limit. But if you survived, you were born into a world anew.

The Tempus Imperium.

This multiversal governing body, born from the ashes of chaos, sought order. They helped those who mastered time-tearing, a power now known as “tessering.” Imagine moving through time and space at will, but at a terrible cost. Most who stumbled upon this ability on their own perished.

Ghost in the Watermelon.

A Temporal Marshal, a naval lieutenant, and the leader of the black ops group known as the Time Bandits Union or simply The Union. Corstrom is a name whispered with amusement and apprehension. A seasoned Temporal Marshal with a rebellious streak, clad in the standard uniform, the “Slice of Rebellion” on his chest, Corstrom’s most striking feature is the iconic “cormelon” mask. His records vanished after a classified intel drop, propelling him on a personal mission to alter the fate of the Neo-Genesis Time Way. A deeply motivated, master strategist with a hidden connection to the timestream, Corstrom is more than meets the eye.

The Era of Disorder.

The Kairos Gene’s discovery ushered in a dark age. Individuals with varying degrees of control over time-tearing emerged, creating a fractured multiverse. Many metaverses, alternate timelines, sought a unifying force. The historical record points to the United Nations, from a specific timeline, as a catalyst for this change.

The Genesis Timelines.

The oldest, the origin stories, stood apart. Lesser timelines, branches from the main trunk, were all considered metaverses, but the Genesis held a special reverence. Our timeline, Neo-Genesis, is where the first true Tempus Imperium was born. Here, in Neo-Gen, lies the seat of power.

The Era of Unrest.

As order emerged, multiple Tempus Imperiums vied for control. Betrayal ran rampant, trust a rare commodity. But slowly, a fragile peace took hold.

The Era of Equality.

Admiral Alistair ushered in the Great Unification, forging a single Tempus Imperium. This golden age, also known as the Age of Peace, is our current reality.

The Search for a Cure.

The limitations of the Kairos Gene remained a thorn in the side of the Tempus Imperium. The physical toll of the tesseract was immense. While some, through sheer willpower, could push their bodies beyond limits, it wasn’t a solution for everyone. Rebel factions, fueled by a desire for freedom, threatened the fragile order.

The Apian Insurgency and the First Incursion.

The Hexapian Monarchy, or the New Monarchy as they craved to be known, nearly shattered the Tempus Imperium. Corstrom and The Union, hardened veterans of countless skirmishes, witnessed firstha

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