an exciting escapade emerges

Future Fumbled


Greetings, reader. Buckle up for a mind-bending tale that warps the boundaries of time. Our protagonist, a displaced time traveler from 2335, finds himself stranded on a 2035 train with nothing but his wits and an ancient laptop. As his fingers fly across the keyboard, we glimpse his futuristic world and the chaotic event that hurled him here.

“Ugh, it’s still manual entry?” he mutters, frustration lacing his voice. “This thing is primitive.” He can’t help but feel inconvenienced by the brutish nature of the manual keyboard.

The rhythmic rumble of the train fills the air. He marvels at the sheer inefficiency of it all. Back in his time, sleek, silent pods zipped people across vast distances. Here, clunky metal beasts roared and sputtered. It makes him wonder why the former United States clung to such outdated tech for so long. Perhaps the cyber revolution hadn’t quite grasped them yet.

He can smell the lunch cart and the sizzling pulled meats start pulling on his thoughts. His mind drifts. Excitement bubbles despite the long journey ahead. He has a fun mission, but it’s still a mission.

Travel by tesseract rarely deposits you at the exact moment you are targeting. A touch of reverence wouldn’t hurt, he chuckles. Centuries of knowledge weigh heavy as he battles the archaic keyboard – a clunky relic to his future eyes. At home, these laptops are collectors pieces.

His gaze falls on the sleek, anodized aluminum casing – the logo of an apple gleams faintly. This 2024 model, long extinct in his era, is crucial. How he acquired it, that’s a story for another time.

It’s May 2035, our hero, nestled on a worn mattress in his humble basement, breathes in the sweet haze of pistachio incense. He reluctantly put his book down as he fights sleep.

He’s 24, has way too much on his mind, and he’s happy.

Little does he know, his tranquility is about to vanish. Soon, he’ll be tossed through a veritable portal to an epic adventure that blends past, present, and… freshman science class?

Curiosity. Determination. These might be reasons for a chosen journey; but our hero has no choice. He’s about to experience a biological anomaly, one science forgot to mention in textbooks. He’s patient zero.

A passing freighter arrests his daydream and he feels himself in his seat again, the rhythmic vibrations of the train bring comfort.

Regardless, a perilous mission awaits. He is here to help the boy through chrysalis, yes. But he seeks a legendary artifact, a solution, rumored to possess immense power—some scoff at its very existence. The clock is ticking for him.

“Perhaps, there is time,” he thinks to himself, “it’s a loop after all.”

Despite the shadow of danger, our intrepid traveler persists. Each keystroke unravels the secrets of this elusive substance. It holds the potential to rewrite history itself, but in order to gain, something of equal or greater value must be given.

Stay tuned, as we delve into this electrifying saga of intrigue, suspense, and journeys beyond time.

Our actions echo through eternity.

——–END MSG——–


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